Abbie Trayler-Smith - 被戰爭抨擊的北伊拉克城市 摩蘇爾Mosul
02 Mar, 2018




英國知名紀實攝影師Abbie Trayler Smith,親身走踏戰亂過後的Mosul摩蘇爾。

藉由影像紀錄的城市,並透過攝影展"After darkness"訴說經過社會退化以及衝突過後的深層故事。



The road to Mosul. 




Vehicles escaping the battle arrive at Hasan Sham camp in northern Iraq




Luma, 12, lives next door to a burning oil well in Qayyarah, Iraq. More than 15 wells in the town were set alight by Isis as they retreated.

Luma,今年12歲, 住在伊拉克,Qayyarah,。Isis在撤退時點燃了許多口井,而luna住家旁邊就是燃燒的油井。



Rana, 38, with her sons, Ali and Mohammed, on the roof of their house in Qayyarah, northern Iraq.




Samira Leylan, 50, at her home in Bashir. The village was retaken from Isis in May and residents have started to return home.

Samira Leylan,五十歲,此照片攝於位於她在Bashir的家。五月十,此村莊已經從Isis收回,居民們紛紛會到家鄉。



Dalia, five, outside a school building in Haj Ali where families sought refuge after fleeing the fighting in Mosul.

Dalia,今年五歲,此張照片攝於Haj Ali學校外。Haj Ali是個能讓從摩蘇爾逃離的家庭前往的避難點。



Yusra Abdullah, 23, is living in limbo with her five children in a chicken barn, unable to go home and unable to move.

Yusra Abdullah,23歲,目前和她的五個小孩共同住在一個位於limbo城市的雞舍中。沒有辦法回家也沒有辦法移動。



Thana Abdulah, 42, travelled with her mother-in-law and children to Tinah camp from her village of Iman Gabi.

Thana Abdulah,42歲,從她的村莊Iman Gabi 與她的繼母和小孩旅行到Tinah camp。



Hana, 18, is an Oxfam community health promoter in the village of Owsijah.

Hana, 18歲得她村莊Owsijah是位樂施會健康促進推廣者。



sara age24, arrives at Hasan Sham camp for displaced people after being taken by bus straight from the battle.

Sara,24歲。在戰後達成直達巴士逃至Hasan Sham camp避難.



A rebuilt hairdressers in Jalawla that was occupied by Isis during the fighting.





All the photo credit / Abbie Trayler Smith

